As Christians we have received eternal life. We've been rescued, we are loved, led, protected, provided for and we belong. God is our perfectly good, holy and loving Father. Even in the struggles, tears and fear, He will strengthen, comfort and heal. We have been freely given everything we need for life and eternity. That is grace!
In response to this great and undeserved love and mercy, the outworking of our faith involves the giving of our time and gifts in practical service and, as we are able, to support the work of Christ’s Kingdom financially through our material riches (or even poverty like the widow's offering in Luke's Gospel). All gifts, whatever their size, contribute to the building of the Kingdom.
As a congregation we have a number of financial needs which your givings can help to meet. We support ministry staff at St Columba's and are committed to resourcing church planting in the city. We have a growing budget to finance the ongoing life and work of the congregation, support wider mission at home and abroad, ministry and training in the wider Free Church and our social responsibility in the city. Our church building is also costly to maintain and develop. We believe all of these initiatives are important to the fulfillment our vision and so any financial givings toward these works are very helpful and greatly appreciated.
To donate via standing order please contact our office for our bank details ( If you pay tax, St Columba's can claim Gift Aid of 25% of any donations you give. If you wish us to be able to claim Gift Aid on your giving, please complete a Gift Aid form and return it to St Columba's Free Church, Johnston Terrace, Edinburgh EH1 2PW; or place it in the collection box on a Sunday.
We do not take up an offering during the service every Sunday. Instead there is a collection box near the entrance of the church where you can put the gift aid form or any other donations you wish.
Each month we hold an offering during a morning service, to support various causes and different missions. Typically this takes place on the last Sunday of the month. Some causes which we have supported previously include; the ministry of Suraj Kasula in Nepal, the work of the Free Church Youth Camps and charities such as Bethany Christian Trust.